The One Who Calls Us Is Faithful

Written by Bethany Lethbridge

Upon graduating from teacher’s college, I accepted a teaching position at an international school in Kuwait. I was young, with little experience teaching my own class, and feeling slightly overwhelmed with being in a completely different culture far away from home. I remember thinking to myself, ‘Wow! People are entrusting me with the education of their children! What a great responsibility!’ Although I had the certification, I didn’t always feel qualified for the task.

So often in life, we do not feel qualified to fulfill the calling on our lives. But the One who calls us is faithful.

Jehoshaphat’s prayer, found in 2 Chronicles 20, particularly verse 12, is so powerful, simple, and practical! “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” This should be a prayer we pray frequently. This prayer reminds us of our own weakness and our need for God. We need God’s wisdom and guidance on a daily basis. When we don’t know what to do, we know Who to turn to, we know where to find wisdom, we know where to find strength. And we know that He gives amply to the one who asks.

Leaders are people we often put on a pedestal. They are people we look up to; people we admire; people we respect; people we wish to emulate. However, in our esteem for these people, we often tend to forget that they are, indeed, just people.

Leaders are not infallible. They are human. They have struggles, weaknesses, and limitations. But good leaders also have wisdom. Though they may not know what to do, they know where to find strength, direction, and wisdom.

Growing up, I looked to my parents for love, protection, and provision, all of which they provided. However, I looked to them as infallible, perfect leaders. For example, as a little girl, whenever I had a nightmare, I would seek protection in their bed. Nightmares couldn’t find me there . . .  I had the protection and security of my parents watching over me! As a parent myself now, though I have children looking to me, I realize how weak I am. As leaders, if we are honest with ourselves, we don’t really know what we are doing. Like Jehoshaphat, we need to call out to God! We need to daily ask for strength, patience, and wisdom to lead those in our care.

Remember, the One who calls us is faithful and He will do it.


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