Take Care of Your Heart

Written by Heidi McLaughlin

Some days we feel like the world is out of control. How do we process the ongoing angst of forest fires, wars, and slavery and not to forget the price of gas and food? The pandemic caused family and friendship collisions and fractures, and some days we just want to sigh and look the other way.

Often I have women say, “Heidi, I feel so overwhelmed with demands and confusion, I can’t find my way.” Instead of giving them six “how to lessons” that probably won’t stick for long, I give them the greatest wisdom from the Bible. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it (Proverbs 4:22). In one version it says, “…it is the wellspring of life.” So instead of reacting with angst to everyone else’s problems, respond by firstly taking care of your heart.

Above all else? That’s fairly radical.

But it’s true. Everything we process in life flows firstly in or out of our heart. As always, Jesus gives us some practical advice how we can do this.

1. Come. “Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:29). Let’s agree that spending time with Jesus is the only way to find our priorities for each day. To guide you into truth so that you can find peace and rest in the assurance that the Holy Spirit will help you with each dilemma that comes your way. And…don’t try to fix something that doesn’t belong to you.

2. Come and follow. Don’t just go to Jesus to become his fan; become a follower so that He can transform and strengthen your heart. “Come, follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). By daily following Jesus and being in His presence He will make you into that glorious person who can withstand the storms and pitfalls of life. How? Because Jesus is all about giving you life and wisdom from the inside out. From the heart.

It all starts with the heart.

So for now, set aside that person who is troubling you, the economy that is scaring you and things that keep you awake at night. Start by taking care of your heart. Run to Jesus; follow His love and wisdom and let Him be your Prince of Peace. You’ll be amazed how the wellspring of life will shift your perspective and refresh your heart. To begin, put your hand over your heart and ask Jesus to help you guard it.


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